In a geopolitical environment in permanent recomposition where interdependencies are ever more palpable and borders invisible due to the digitization of our societies, security is a major challenge for the sovereignty of States. The emergence of new regional actors goes hand in hand with security threats of various kinds. These same countries will increasingly focus on the promotion of their tourist, economic etc. through major international events. This will therefore lead to an amplification of endogenous and exogenous security risks for which these emerging states are not necessarily prepared given their scale and diversity. Expert and high-level support will be crucial to avoid the disorganization of the security services.
Without trust in justice, the social contract that binds the citizen to the State does not exist. To guarantee this trust, synonymous with social peace, transparency and efficiency of justice must meet. For this, modern forensic science, i.e.the use of scientific methods or expertise to investigate crimes or examine evidence that could be presented in front of a court, is a priority skill for all States.
The sustainability of a state, from which also derives the balance and geopolitical stability of a region, is based on its ability to guarantee two pillars of its sovereign regime: its integrity and its sovereignty. To this end, it must be able to deploy appropriate and effective means capable of guaranteeing security and the maintenance of order on its territory, within its borders, which it ensures, particularly by preventing crises, combating cross-cutting threats, terrorism and organised crime.
In a digitalized and modern world, Wide Int offers a comprehensive range of solutions to law enforcement agencies, the Police and Custom Services to accelerate investigations and bring evidences to Justice. Wide Int’s offerings encompass legal and digital investigation, real-time geolocation platforms, multisource data analysis, forensic laboratories and be-spoke training programs.
Our mission is to support and advise national and international government agencies. We are continuously developing an expertise consolidated by decades of practice. We are committed to the security of all and justice for all. We work tirelessly to ensure the reliability of information useful for the resolution of investigations and the prevention of crises or security breaches.